Police Officer Testifies in Kush Possession Case

By Fatima Kpaka

Freetown – In an ongoing case of alleged drug possession, Detective Sergeant Mohamed U. Kamara of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) testified yesterday against Martin Kamara, who is accused of possessing 60 wraps of kush and 8 wraps of cannabis.

Testifying before Acting Chief Justice Nicholas Colin Browne-Marke, the detective recounted the events of January 30, 2024, when he received the case for investigation. According to Detective Kamara, the accused was arrested during a police raid after being allegedly found in possession of the narcotics. The substances, suspected to be kush and cannabis, were handed to him for further examination.

Upon receiving the case file, Kamara said he immediately requested the Transnational Organized Crime Unit (TOCU) at Hastings to conduct forensic analysis on the substances. As part of the investigation, statements were obtained from both the accused and his colleague, Police Constable 19456 Koroma G.

During the testimony, Detective Kamara read from the statement given by Martin Kamara, who claimed that the drugs were not found in his possession. The accused stated that he was watching a football match when police officers conducted a raid. He alleged that although he was searched, no drugs were found on him, and that he was only shown the substances after being taken to the Central Police Station. He further accused the head of the police operation of ordering his arrest despite the lack of evidence.

Despite these claims, Detective Kamara testified that on February 5, 2024, he officially charged the accused with unlawful possession of narcotics. Both the statement of the accused and the police records were tendered in court as evidence.

Defense attorney, Cecilia Tucker from the Legal Aid Board, cross-examined the witness on behalf of the accused, challenging the prosecution’s case. The court, presided over by Justice Browne-Marke, adjourned the matter for further hearing on Monday, October 14, 2024. The accused was remanded at the Male Correctional Centre on Pademba Road.

The prosecution is led by State Counsel Jessie S. Tucker, who is pushing for the accused to be convicted on charges of unlawful possession of drugs. The case continues to draw attention due to the rising concern over kush, a synthetic drug that has been wreaking havoc among youth in the country.

Stay tuned for further updates as the case unfolds.

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