Sierra Leone: CRS Country Director presents country program to Minister

The Country Director of the  Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Paul Emes has on Monday November 23, 2020, presented the organization’s  vision 2030 country program to the Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Dr. Francis Kai-Kai at his Tower Hill office in Freetown.

According to the Country Director, the plan would contribute to the Sierra Leone national development priorities as established in the Medium-Term National Development Plan (MTNDP) 2019-2023 and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Mr. Emes said CRS Sierra Leone would leverage its expertise as well as in country, regional and global expertise in programming to deliver its vision 2030 strategy. He said the plan would focus on three core strategic priorities: Education, Health, Agriculture and Livelihoods, while the emerging strategic priority was Urban Resilience.

Dr. Kai-Kai expressed his gratitude for the visit, noting that the CRS, over the years, had demonstrated astute leadership in the execution of their programs, especially in Falaba and Koinadugu districts.

He said that the (MTNDP) 2019-2023 reflected President Bio’s New Direction Agenda, making sure development was driven down to the District. He informed the CRS that the Ministry was in the process of setting up the District Development Coordination Committees (DDCC) to address development issues in the districts, with a pilot phase commencing in four (4) districts. He said that this was to ensure government’s desire in addressing all fragmentation at district level, while ensuring effectiveness in coordination.


25/11/2020. ISSUE NO: 7957