Sierra Leone’s Ambassador for Entertainment and Investment Amara Denis Turay aka Kao Denero has confirmed on Sunday, March 13, 2022 that the first Sierra Leone film festival would hold on Friday April 1, 2022 with the aim of showcasing the filmmakers’ works and recognizing their efforts in the industry.
He said the festival will create a platform for all filmmakers to network and showcase their contents to stakeholders and interested partners. He said that festival will serve as a platform for filmmakers to sell their movies as well as promote their future projects.
Kao said that the first collection of 10 Sierra Leone films would be submitted to the Sierra Leone Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) for broadcasting as a way of promoting the film festival.
“Government has recently approved a budget submitted by my office for the first national film festival in Sierra Leone. My team has been in touch with the film council as preparations are ongoing for promotion to commence,” he stated.
He said that if all entertainers could set aside their differences and embrace love, Sierra Leone entertainment industry would grow to their expectations. Some filmmakers expressed profound gratitude to the office of the ambassador and the government for their relentlessness efforts to developing the film industry in the country.
By Ibrahim S.Bangura