Christian Aid Launches Annual Report

Christian Aid Sierra Leone (CASL) has on Thursday May 26, 2022, launched its annual report for 2021, reflecting their contribution towards accountability, transparency, poverty reduction, health and sanitation, education and dispute resolutions among others in Sierra Leone.

The launch brought together various partners across the country, local actors and government representatives at Kona Lodge in Freetown.

Christian Aid advocates for a world where everyone lives a full and dignified life free from poverty and need, and equitable distribution of resources. The Organization amplifies the voice of the poor and marginalized by responding to practical ways of alleviating suffering, to exposing, eradicating misuse of power and providing humanitarian support in crises.

Giving an overview of the Report, Team Leader of Public Financial Management Consortium at Christian Aid, Mattia Koi Dimoh said that Christian Aid has worked with national organizations to promote citizen’s participation and engagement in governance and decision making, and has also reached out to 71,688 people of which 58% are women and a further 1.2 million people are potentially reached through mass media that cut across age and disabilities.

He added that they have constantly served as agents of the people with the ability to change the world for the better through countless individual acts of courage and creativity and through the organized struggle for justice and equality.

“We strengthened the voice and agency of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and human rights defenders and also community groups to advocate and lobby through peaceful engagements with duty bearers in demanding their rights to land. CASL also enhanced the capacity of landowners and users in communities through dialogue and peaceful meditations,” Dimoh said.

He also highlighted that they have contributed to increase female representation in political governance in Kailahun District, adding that it has resulted in 40% female representation in Parliament, exceeding the 30 % quota that had been advocated.

Dimoh also mentioned that they have collaborated with other Budget Advocacy Networks (BAN), Oxfam and Action Aid to expose Sierra Leone’s debt burden and its impact on the provision of health and other services, adding that they have worked together to analyze the drivers of rising debt burden and its implications on tax and spending in the Country.

The Chairperson of the event, Marcella Samba Sesay said that the report creates an opportunity to track progress and investment made among donors adding that it is important to benchmark and showcase performance.

 She also added that CASL has been investing in creating ideas, innovations and opportunities that have impacted the lives of people adding that strides had been made by CASL to improve health, education, electricity, water and sanitation.

The Deputy Minister of Planning and Economic Development, Reverend Titus Williams said that the government recognizes and appreciates the efforts of Christian Aid in the Country’s development aspirations adding that it is a partnership that has mutual benefits.

He added that the Government of Sierra Leone can never forget the contributions of Christian Aid during health emergencies crises, adding that they will continue to strengthen its partnership with Christian Aid and other international partners.

“Christian Aid has intervened to strengthen delivery healthcare service by improving the conditions of some public and private health units which included rehabilitation and refurbishment of facilities,” Williams said.

By George M.O. Williams