By Fatima Kpaka
James Ramadan Sesay, a security guard has, on Monday November 13th, 2023, been arraigned in court before Magistrate Mark Ngegba of Pademba Road Court no 1 for allegedly assaulting military personnel.
The accused was charged for the offense of Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm contrary to section 47 of the Offense Against the Person Act 1861.
The charge sheet indicated that the accused on Friday 20 October, 2023 at Benguma, in Waterloo assaulted R. S. M Hassan Kamara in a manner occasioning him actual bodily harm.
After the charges had been read and explained to the accused he pleaded not guilty to the offences.
The prosecutor Sergeant 9939 Lahai Farma sought for an adjournment on the grounds that the witness had gone to the hospital for treatment.
The accused was admitted to bail by the Magistrate and the matter adjourned to the 27th of November 2023.