LRMG Boosts Agriculture

By Alimatu Jalloh

Leone Rock Metal Group has taken a significant step in supporting agricultural development by donating sponsorships to three agricultural organizations (Future Farm SL Limited, Sierra Crop Care and Kamatham Agric Company) in Bombali, Tonkolili and Bo districts, respectively.

The sponsorships, valued at Nle215, 000 was awarded to Future Farm (Nle50, 000), Kamatham (Nle100, 000) and Sierra Crop Care (Nle 65,000). This initiative aims to bolster agricultural productivity, promote sustainable farming practices, and enhance the livelihoods of farmers in the respective regions.

Both the Future Farm and Kamatham expressed their gratitude for the sponsorships, highlighting the potential impact on their respective communities. “This support is not just an investment in our organization but in the future of agriculture in our region,” Co-Founder Future Farm SL Limited Emmanuel Bongay stated. “We can scale up our efforts and reach more farmers with the resources and knowledge they need to thrive

In addition, the Sierra Crop Care Organization, a registered local nongovernmental organization, has been at the forefront of agricultural development in Baoma Chiefdom, Bo District.

The NLe 65,000 donation from Leone Rock Metal will significantly contribute to the initial phases of the project. This funding will help cover critical areas such as site preparation, procurement of essential equipment, and initial training for the local workforce.

Mr Alusine Kamathor Sesay, the Community Manager of LRMG, emphasized the company’s commitment to supporting rural communities and sustainable development. “At Leone Rock, we understand the vital role agriculture plays in sustaining our communities and economies. By supporting these organizations, we aim to contribute to the growth and resilience of the agricultural sector,” said Mr Sesay.

LRMG plans to continue its support for sustainable development initiatives and is exploring additional opportunities to collaborate with agricultural and environmental organizations. The company believes that by working together, industries can create a more sustainable and prosperous future for all.

LRMG’s sponsorships to the Future Farm and Kamatham are a testament to the company’s commitment to sustainable development and community support. These contributions will significantly enhance the capabilities of both organizations, fostering agricultural innovation and sustainability while improving the livelihoods of farmers in the respective regions.