Dedicated Polio Vaccinators Hit Roads to Reach Millions of Children – Ensuring Every Child in Pujehun Is Safe and Free From Polio

Story by World Health Organization Africa Brazzaville

Using door-to-door vaccination and fixed vaccination centers in health facilities, the World Health Organization supported over 4000 vaccinators and healthcare workers in May to ensure that every child in the Seirra Leone was reached with two drops of the polio vaccine. This activity formed part of a national campaign to reach more than 3.3 million children under five years of age.

Vaccinator Elizabeth Jane Jabati, explained her and her colleagues’ efforts have built community trust and support for immunization services across the country. According to Elizabeth who has been vaccinating children for the past 5 years in Pujehun and surrounding areas, this round was no different from the previous exercises, “ensuring that families are well informed of the campaign makes them receptive. This collaborative approach between the vaccinators and the community is instrumental in overcoming hesitations among parents, leading to a successful campaign”

Elizabeth is passionate about her work. During the vaccination trainings, we are not only taught how to administer the vaccine but the importance of engaging with the communities, especially mothers, about hygiene and the benefits of the vaccination” Elizabeth recalls.

“For me, the community response motivates me to work harder, we work closely with mobilizers who prepare the communities We have nor registered refusals as such in my area we have achieved 100% reach for the targeted children”, said Elizabeth

“I make sure to return even to places where we have already vaccinated children, to ensure no child is missed because they were not home at the time of vaccination. It is okay and normal to mark the home and return to it later.”

Elizabeth and other vaccinator’s dedication reflect a shared commitment to eradicating polio out of Sierra Leone. Her work not only protects children from polio but also fosters trust and education within the community

Amidst the recurring fuel shortages in the country, the Ministry of Health in partnership with WHO launched the second round of mass vaccination campaigns for polio in 16 districts in Sierra Leone. In 2024, approximately 3,347,723 million children under five years across 16 districts in Sierra Leone have been vaccinated with the oral polio vaccine, across two national campaigns.