Pupil, Farmer Arraigned for Diamond theft

By Alimatu Jalloh

Ibrahim Barrie, 21 and Sao Fefegullah, a 29-year-old farmer yesterday made another appearance before Magistrate Sahr Kekura of Pademba Road Court No.1 in Freetown on the charges of Conspiracy, House Breaking and Larceny, Receiving stolen goods and Fraudulent Conversion.

According to the particulars of offence on Friday 25th August 2023 at Baoma Oil Mill Village, Kandu Leppiama Chiefdom in Kenema District defrauded Alusine Mohamed Conteh of a 4, 15 Carat diamond valued at Le 477,250.

Count two further stated that on the same date and place the accused persons with intent to steal broke and entered into the dwelling house of Moses Brima Conteh and stole from there a four carate fifteen percent diamond, an eighty six percent diamond, a seventy three percent diamond and a  one carat fifty five percent diamond all to the total value of five hundred and eleven thousand five hundred and eighty nine Leones (511,589 ) property of Alusine Mohamed Conteh whilst in the custody of Moses Brima Conteh

Count three further stated that the second accused person did receive one four carat fifteen percent diamond value Le 477,250 from Ibrahim Barrie knowing same to have been stolen.

Count four further stated that on the same date and place, the second accused person fraudulently converted to his own use or benefit a 4, 15 percent diamond valued at Le 477,250 from Ibrahim Barrie for the purpose of sale.

When the charge was read and explained to the accused persons No plea taken

Assistant Superintendent of police Ibrahim S. Mansaray led the fourth prosecution witness, 10170 Abdul Mohamed Kamara who is attached at the Anti-fraud Unit of the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) in evidence Pademba Road.

He recognized the accused persons and confirmed knowing them and complainant in this matter and recalled that on the 7th of October, 2023.

He said while on duty a transfer case and inquiry files from CID Eastern Region Kenema District which contained nine statements, including the Voluntary Caution Statement of the accused persons, together with the accused persons was handed over to him and since had been in the custody of the police.

He then produced and tendered it in court to form part of the court records.

He furthered that on the 18th and 23rd October 2023 himself together with Detective Police Constable (DPC) 18591 Kamara H. N. obtained additional Voluntary Caution Statements from the accused persons separately and at the conclusion of the statement it was read over and explained to the accused persons separately and they admitted it to be true and correct by affixing their right-hand thumbprint witnessed by DPC 1859 Kamara H.N.

Kamara furthered he signed as the recorder and that since then the said statement had been in the custody of the police, and he also produced and tendered it in court to form part of the court records.

He said that on the 28th of October he, together with the said investigator charged the accused persons separately; the first accused with the offence conspiracy to commit a felony and house breaking and larceny and the second with Conspiracy, Receiving Stolen Goods and Fraudulent Conversion.

He added that the charge statement was read over and explained to the accused persons separately and they admitted it to be true and correct by affixing their right thumb print. He then informed the court that it was in the custody of the police and produced and tendered it in court to form part of the court records.

The accused persons were not legally represented, and so they cross examined the witness.

However, the prosecutor after the testimony closed their case.

Meanwhile Magistrate Kekura adjourned the matter to the 25th of July 2024 for ruling.