National Dialogue on mainstreaming Human Security in Mining Sector Holds in Freetown

Group photo of participants at the National Dialogue on mainstreaming Human Security in the Mining Sector

UNDP Sierra Leone/ Ivan Benjamin

In a bid to promote sustainable development and ensure the mining sector benefits all Sierra Leoneans, a national dialogue on mainstreaming human security has taken place in Freetown. The event brought together stakeholders from government, civil society, mining companies, and local communities to discuss ways to prioritize human security in the extractive industry.

The dialogue aimed to foster a collaborative environment where various stakeholders could engage in meaningful discussions about the mining sector’s governance with emphasis   on adopting a human security approach to address the multifaceted challenges that the mining sector faces, particularly concerning environmental sustainability and the resilience of local communities. 

Stakeholders gathered focused on addressing the pressing concerns, including environmental degradation, social injustice, and economic inequality, and to forge a collaborative path forward. The dialogue emphasized the importance of balancing development priorities with investor interests and ensuring sustainable practices that benefit all Sierra Leoneans.

The dialogue was organized under the Mainstreaming the Human Security Approach by Improving Mining Sector Governance to Enhance Environment Sustainability and Resilient Livelihoods in Sierra Leone project, funded by the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS). The project seeks to use the human security approach to address these issues in an interconnected way by promoting environmental stewardship, enhancing community economic resilience, and preventing root causes of social instability.

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Madam Mabulara Tsuene, Economics Advisor , speaking at the National Dialogue on mainstreaming Human Security in the Mining Sector UNDP Sierra Leone/ Ivan Benjamin

Speaking on behalf  of the UNDP’s  Resident Representative,  Madam Mabulara Tsuene, Economic Advisor, highlighted the importance of partnerships between the Government of Sierra Leone, the private sector, and communities. She noted the Mining sector is key to Sierra Leone’s economy, balancing development priorities with investor interests and ensuring investments in the sector will contribute to sustainable development. 

She said, “UNDP is championing the governance of natural resources as a cornerstone for Africa’s structural transformation and sustainable growth. Recognizing the vital role that natural resources play in the continent’s progress, the UNDP emphasizes their strategic inclusion in Africa’s development plans. This approach aligns with key frameworks like Agenda 2063, ensuring that the continent’s rich resources are harnessed effectively and sustainably for the benefit of its people and future generations.”

The dialogue marked a crucial step towards mainstreaming human security in Sierra Leone’s mining sector, paving the way for improved governance, environmental sustainability, and resilient livelihoods. The outcomes will contribute to achieving sustainable development and human security in the mining sector. The stakeholders committed to working together towards a more sustainable and equitable mining sector, pledging to implement recommendations and monitor progress regularly.

About the project 

The Mainstreaming the Human Security Approach by Improving Mining Sector Governance to Enhance Environment Sustainability and Resilient Livelihoods in Sierra Leone project is funded from the United Nations Trust Fund for Human Security (UNTFHS).

This project tackles the complex issue of mining sector governance in Sierra Leone using the Human Security approach. The goal is to enhance economic resilience, social cohesion, and community well-being in vulnerable mining areas. By addressing the root causes of instability, the project prevents environmental, economic, and social threats.

The project empowers government institutions and mining communities to work together, making informed decisions on social investments and improving social cohesion. It builds individual and community resilience, fostering a collaborative approach to address interconnected challenges. Key government partners include the Sierra Leone’s Natural Mineral Agency (NMA) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which will review laws, regulations, and frameworks to improve transparency and accountability. Other key partners include Moyamba District Council, youth and women groups, civil society organizations, and farmers.

By adopting the Human Security approach, this project develops effective solutions for sustainable mining sector governance, ensuring a brighter future for Sierra Leone’s communities.