ACC Warns Against Impersonation and Extortion

The Regional Manager of the Anticorruption Commission in the NorthWest Region Madam Fatu Florence Kamara has issued a stern warning against unscrupulous individuals who continue to unlawfully demand and extort monies from innocent and unsuspecting members of the public by falsely representing themselves as staff of the Commission. She made this warning on Wednesday, September 26, 2024, during preventive engagements with personnel of the Sierra Leone Police, Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces, Sierra Leone Road Safety Corps at the Mange, Maforki, Lunsar One Mile Checkpoints and the Gbere junction Police Station. The spate of impersonation of ACC staff particularly at checkpoints, public bodies, and/or schools during public examinations has been disturbingly alarming in recent times. It could be recalled that the ACC has in a press release dated 9th January 2019 informed the public on the continued impersonation of the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and other staff of the commission by unknown persons.

Speaking at the respective engagements, Regional Manager Madam Fatu Florence Kamara said impersonation poses significant risk and reputational damage on the commission. She pointed out that this deceitful act does not only create reputational damage but also compromises the integrity of staff of the commission especially when the actions of perpetrators involve illegal or unethical behavioyrs. In recent times, she said, this unsavoury extortion has been increasingly alarming at checkpoints and public offices demanding monies and favour. She emphasized that no ACC staff should ask for, or demand money, or favor from anyone in the performance of their duties and the public must demand and confirm an identification if approached by any person(s) purporting to be staff of the ACC.
“Any act of extortion, demand, or blackmail should be reported to the ACC through its toll free lines-077985985/077986986 or the nearest police station,” she stressed.

Informing public officers that the ACC has investigated and prosecuted impostors, the Regional Head warned anyone in this act as it constitute an offence under Section 76 of the Anti-Corruption Act 2008 as amended in 2019 to a fine of thirty thousand Leones or three years jail term. She underscored the significance of collaboration, reporting and a robust intelligence gathering mechanism to identify and track these individuals.

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