Chinese National Charged with Alleged Fraud at Rokel Commercial Bank, Granted Bail

By Fatima Kpaka

In a high-profile case, Chinese businessman Zhou Wenjie appeared before Magistrate Santigie Bangura at Pademba Road Court No. 2 on Wednesday, October 9, 2024, facing charges related to a major fraud incident involving Rokel Commercial Bank.

Zhou Wenjie, accused of four counts including conspiracy to defraud, forgery, and uttering forged documents, was arraigned in connection with the alleged fraudulent opening of a bank account under Pioneer Power Engineering Company Sierra Leone Limited. The alleged offenses took place on December 9, 2020, in Freetown.

The prosecution alleges that Wenjie, with others still unidentified, conspired to create and submit a forged bank account opening form, complete with falsified signatures of Zhang Ke and Youg Yining, key shareholders of the company. The fraudulent documents were allegedly intended to deceive officials at Rokel Commercial Bank, where the forged account number 11-1014871 was presented.

When the charges were read in court, no plea was taken. Prosecuting counsel CCE Komoh requested an adjournment to bring forward the first witness, while defense counsel A.B. Jalloh made a bail application, arguing that the accused is not a flight risk and has a permanent residence in Sierra Leone.

Despite the serious nature of the charges, the prosecution did not oppose bail. However, they urged the court to weigh the gravity of the case. Magistrate Bangura granted bail to the accused in the sum of fifty thousand new Leones, with two sureties required. The sureties must be Sierra Leonean residents of Freetown and must prove their residency. Additionally, Zhou Wenjie was ordered to surrender his passport and all travel documents as part of the bail conditions.

The matter has been adjourned to October 17, 2024, for further hearings.

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