Harrison Wisdom, an eight-year-old Gospel musician in the east of Freetown, has on Sunday August 16, 2020 disclosed to Premier News that he has recently released a single titled ‘God Save Salone.’
The toddler said thatin the lightof previous and recent disasters, he believes prayer is the solution to Sierra Leone’s problems.
“Sierra Leone has been going through hard times and very difficult times, starting with the Ebola outbreak, Mudslide and Coronavirus. I believe that the precautionary measures the government has put in place will work, but the presence of God is very much paramount, so I pleaded in my song for God to deliverMama Salone from thesedisasters becausewith God all things are possible.”
He dissuaded Sierra Leoneans from speaking ill of their country, adding that “words have live and that they can work”.
“Peopleare in the habit of saying negative words against Sierra Leone. I believe this has been one of the contributing factors to some of our sufferings. We should always be saying positive things about Sierra Leone and we will grow.”
He said that as a gospel artist he admires, Travis Green, a Nigerian gospelsinger whose songs he listen to daily. He said that he started his journey as a gospel musician when he was only age 6, as a leading vocalist in his school.
He said that after his aunt discovered that he had a gift in music, she asked him to lead devotion in his school every morning.
He said he has done five songs since he started singing gospel songs , and three of them that are in the market are: ‘Lord I Come’, ‘Marriage’ and ‘God Save Salone’.
“Music is everything to me; it is a way of life. I use music to pass on information, praise and worship God.” he said.
By Ibrahim S.Bangura
18/8/2020. ISSUE NO. 7889