Sierra Leone: Second Allotted Day: Parliament Debates National Budget

The Parliament of Sierra Leone has on Tuesday  November 24,  2020 discussed the Bill entitled: “The Appropriation Act, 2021” delivered by the Minister of Finance, Jacob Jusu Saffa in the Well of Parliament on Friday November 13, 2020.

The Bill seeks to authorize expenditure from the consolidated fund for the services of Sierra Leone for the year 2021 and other related matters to the tune of Le9.2 trillion effective January 1, 2021.

Contributing to the debate, Hon. Ibrahim Ben Kargbo, deputy Leader of the opposition All People’s congress (APC) party in Parliament, said that the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the economic situation in the country. He praised the Ministry of Finance for doing a good job by maintaining a stable economy despite the ramifications of COVID-19 in the country. He called for more budgetary allocations to the agriculture sector.

He questioned delays in the implementation of the school feeding programme introduced by government. He also raised concerns on the massive failures in the 2020 WASSCE examination results comparatively to other results in the West African sub-region. He acknowledged positive strides that have been made by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and requested for more budgetary allocations to same considering its workloads.

Hon. Rebecca Y. Kamara of the Coalition for Change (C4CI party spoke lengthily on women’s empowerment and the need for additional budgetary allocation to realize it. She praised both past and current governments for appointing women to high positions of trust in the country.

On education, she highlighted the importance of Free Quality Education and underscored that Kono District has not yet benefited from funds meant for school subsidies.

Hon. Alex Mattia Rogers commended the Ministry of Finance, and observed that he was gratified because the budget in novelty provided for medications, risks or threats that have the tendency to affect its implementation to the fullest.

 Hon. Musa Fofanah of C4C party limited his intervention on electricity supply and commended government for the recent ratification of an agreement to enhance rural electrification in district headquarters. He urged government to explore additional electricity supply for the socio-economic development of the nation. He also called on government to focus on water supply, education and infrastructural development for the country.

Hon. Foday Mario Kamara of the National Grand  Coalition (NGC) party  was pleased with the work of the Finance Ministry, and urged Parliament to investigate whether monies allocated to MDAs are disbursed and utilized on time for its intended purposes. He stressed that certain budgetary allocations to MDAs on quarterly basis are not forthcoming. He called for proper accountability and transparency on matters relating to national development.

On her part, Hon. Rugiatu R. Kanu said that budgetary allocations to the Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs are very minimal and called for more allocations to the Ministry in order to effectively executive its duties. She called on the government to emulate Kenya and Malawi policies relating to pregnant girls in school, and called for recruitment of more female teachers in schools.

Hon. Keikura C. Vandy, Chairperson of Energy Committee in Parliament, described this government as an “inclusive government” that seeks the welfare of its citizenry. He also noted that the government of President Bio would fix the education sector and highlighted the significant gains that have been made by government so far in the education sector; and also for sustainable electricity supply in the country.

Contributing to the debate, Hon. Abdul Kargbo called on Parliament to investigate the massive failure in the recently released 2020 WASSCE results.

Hon. Mustapha F. Sellu, made several clarifications including budgetary allocations to the Office of Chief Minister which is embedded with other sub-sets, units or departments to enhance its duties. His response was largely due to criticisms levied by some opposition MPs that allocations to the Chief Minister’s office are huge and should be spread to other MDAs.

In another development, the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Chernor R.M Bah has moved a motion to debate and subsequently reject the Instruments relating to the COVID-19 Regulations laid in Parliament weeks ago by the Attorney-General and Minister of Justice on “the grounds that it runs contrary to provisions in the 1991 Constitution of Sierra Leone”. This motion was seconded by Hon. Hassan Sesay.

In light of same, the Leader of Government Business, Hon. Mathew Sahr Nyuma said that the Instruments should be debated and subsequently passed into law to save the lives of the people of Sierra Leone from the devastating effects of COVID-19.

 The debate continues today.

Source: Department of Public Relations, Parliament of Sierra Leone

25/11/2020. ISSUE NO: 7957