Ballanta Academy, Leone Rock Metal Group Sign MOU

by Ibrahim S. Bangura

Dr. Julius Spencer, Board Chairman of Ballanta and Jacqueline Hong, PR and media manager of LRMG, signing the MOU.

The Ballanta Academy of Music and Preforming Arts and the Leone Rock Metal Group (LRMG), one of the renowned mining companies in Sierra Leone, on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote arts and boost relationship between Sierra Leone and China.

The MOU which was signed at the Logie Wright Auditorium at the academy on 27 Liverpool Street in Freetown, was graced by the Groovy Colours, the premier band of the academy.

According to Jacqueline Hong, Public Relations & Media Manager of LRMG representing the Chief Executive Officer, the MOU was signed with the academy not only to boost their relationship with Sierra Leone, but to also create bigger platforms for the academy, hence promoting culture, arts and music.

 “This MOU will create mutual benefits for the academy and our company as well. For the academy, they will have bigger platforms making more audience to know them. That will not only promote their activities, but will also showcase Sierra Leonean culture and heritage to the world; for our company, we will get advertised, therefore getting someone to support and represent us,” Hong said.

She stated that LRMG is not only focusing on economy in Sierra Leone, but also on giving back to the people in the country.  “Giving back to the society is our slogan. We want to boost arts and music in Sierra Leone. Arts sector is one of the most important sectors in any nation. This sector can easily develop the nation’s economy, promote culture, create job opportunities for youths, network people of different races, nations etc. So, it’s a great pleasure to sign this MOU with Ballanta. I have hope that we will have more cooperation in the future,” she concluded.

The management of the academy thanked and appreciated the company for joining them in boosting arts in Sierra Leone.

According to Dr. Julius Spencer,the Board Chairman of Ballanta, Sierra Leone and China have been good friends for a very long time now and wished that that special relationship would continue.

Dr. Spencer reiterated that the relationship that has been established between the Leone Rock Metal Group and the Ballanta Academy would be expanding for the mutual benefit to both parties and by extension for China and Sierra Leone. “I hope that this relationship will continue. Performing Arts has been under recognized in this country, but I am sure that Ballanta’s relationship with the Leone Rock will help change that narrative. Some of us have dedicated our lives to see that the Performing Arts grows in Sierra Leone. With the signing of this MOU, Ballanta is going further. We will as well make sure that the Leone Rock is supported in their business through our music and performances,” he said.

Dr. Spencer on behalf of the management of the academy thanked and appreciated the company and the other partners who have been supporting the academy one way or the other.