Bomb-Making Scandal: Driver Testifies in Explosive Court Case, Reveals Transporting Materials to Liberia

By Fatima Kpaka

In a shocking revelation on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, driver Sheika Fofana testified before Magistrate Santigie Bangura, admitting that he transported consignments of bomb-making materials to Liberia on the orders of the accused, Hussein and Jamal Antar. The explosive testimony came as part of an ongoing case involving the alleged importation of arms manufacturing materials into Sierra Leone.

Fofana, the fourth prosecution witness, detailed his role in the operation while being led in his examination by State Prosecutor Yusuf Isaac Sesay. Fofana, who has been driving for his employer Mohamed Wurie since 2019, recounted that in January and February 2024, he was instructed by his boss to transport goods using a 6-tire truck to Waterloo. Upon arrival, the consignment was loaded by laborers under the supervision of the second accused, Jamal Antar. Fofana testified that similar trips to Liberia occurred in March 2024.

During cross-examination, defense lawyer I. Kamara, representing the first and second accused, questioned Fofana about his knowledge of the contents he transported. Fofana admitted that he was unaware of the exact nature of the goods and was only following instructions from his employer. Despite passing several checkpoints, Fofana stated that he was never interrogated by security personnel.

The case, which has captured national attention, involves a 30-count indictment against the accused, including charges of conspiracy, illegal arms importation, possession of bomb-making materials, and transportation of prohibited drugs. The prosecution alleges that between October 2023 and July 2024, Hussein and Jamal Antar, along with a third accused, Sulaiman Barrie, conspired to smuggle arms manufacturing materials and prohibited drugs into Sierra Leone.

As the state moves to bring forward more witnesses, the case has been adjourned until October 9, 2024, with all accused persons remaining in custody. The revelations in court have heightened the nation’s focus on the alarming charges, as the public awaits the next phase of the trial.

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