Caritas Urges national ‘health emergency’ to combat ‘Kush’ abuse

The Catholic Church’s social service agency in Sierra Leone is calling for “immediate action” against the spread of synthetic marijuana ravaging young people in the West African nation ranked among the world’s poorest.

“The widespread use of this substance is causing serious psychological and social problems, particularly in the context of unemployment and the severe economic crisis,” said a statement from Caritas Freetown referring to Kush or K2, a synthetic marijuana that has dangerous health effects among young people and which has already killed several people in the country.

“Caritas Freetown urges the government to act immediately and declare a health emergency and provide resources to combat this crisis, ultimately protecting the country’s youth,” reads the statement from Caritas Freetown, part of Caritas Internationalis, the confederation of Catholic relief, development, and social service organizations that operate worldwide. Caritas Freetown specifically focuses on humanitarian and social services in Freetown, which is the capital city of Sierra Leone.

Approximately six years ago, synthetic marijuana, which can have a varying composition depending on the manufacturer, entered the market. The production and distribution of synthetic marijuana, also known as synthetic cannabinoids, poses significant legal, health, and social concerns. Commonly referred to as “Kush” and sometimes known as the “zombie drug,” it is a combination of different chemicals designed to mimic the effects of natural marijuana, but which often come with unpredictable and dangerous side effects.

The production and use of synthetic cannabinoids are illegal in many countries, including Sierra Leone. Nonetheless, criminal organizations manufacture and distribute Kush, and it has become prevalent among young people in Sierra Leone, Liberia, and Guinea Conakry, resulting in serious social consequences for these West African nations. The high levels of youth unemployment in these three countries serve as a significant motivator for seeking “pharmacological” means of escape, social workers say.

Caritas adds that “in addition to declaring a health emergency, it is essential to invest in prevention and rehabilitation programs. These include the establishment of accessible and affordable treatment facilities, the implementation of comprehensive public education campaigns and the implementation of educational initiatives to educate young people about the problems associated with consumption to inform about the dangers involved.”

Healthcare facility administrators in Freetown report that 90% of admissions to the central psychiatric ward are attributed to Kush use. This illicit drug is readily available due to its low cost, which is even lower than that of the previously popular painkiller Tramadol. Smoking a Kush joint provides an intense high in about 30 minutes, but its effects persist for an extended period. The drug is so potent that only after a few puffs, the consumer is left stoned, unable to stand upright.

The population of Sierra Leone, exceeding 8 million people, grapples with substantial inflation and unemployment rates. However, the allure of “Kush” often leads Sierra Leoneans into a cycle of addiction and, frequently, psychiatric illnesses. This is particularly concerning in a nation with only five hospitals dedicated to treating such mental health disorders.

Source: Caritas in Sierra Leone calls for national “health emergency” to combat synthetic marijuana abuse (