The Legal Aid Board secured the acquittal and discharge of its clients, Police Officer Mohamed Sofian Kargbo who had been charged with murder. The incident took place at the Pampana River in the Tonkolili District headquarter town of Magburakaon 4th July 2021. He started receiving legal assistance from the Board at that point until the...Read More
Sierra Leone’s Chief Justice, His Lordship Justice Desmond Babatunde Edwards, has called on all Magistrates across the country to do better in effectively and efficiently administer justice in Sierra Leone. “It’s a new year and I want the wheels of justice to be running smoothly, effectively and efficiently,” Chief Justice urged Magistrates, adding, “I want...Read More
Dr. Turad Senesie The Minister of Lands, Housing and Country Planning (MLHCP), Dr. Turad Senesie, has said that Sierra Leone has old housing laws which need to be reviewed for it to be suitablewith the current housing trends. He made this statement when he was recently recounting the successes and challenges of the Ministry during....Read More
Director, POED. In a community engagement on the work of the Commission and awareness raising on the Grievance Redress Mechanism (GRM) in the Social Safety Net (SSN) Program, of the COVID-19 Emergency Response, residents of Musaia Town, Dembelia, Musaia Chiefdom, Falaba District, North East Sierra Leone, embraced the anti-corruption messages conveyed by the ACC and...Read More
By George M.O. Williams The Sierra Leone Police has recorded 2,275fatalities ( 703 cases involving passengers, 522 pedestrians and 310 drivers) out of the 4,156 road crashes which occurred in 2021, a senior police officer said recently. The Director of Traffic Management and Road Safety, Assistant Inspector General of Police, Kaprie S. Kamara told a...Read More
By Alusine Sesay The death of a baby aged 17-months in police cell in Makeni City, northern Sierra Leone on December 23, 2021, was caused by severe anaemia and gross malnutrition, according to an autopsy which was conducted at the Connaught Hospital. The autopsy results show that “other significant conditions contributing to death, but not...Read More
By Alusine Sesay The Police Complaint Board has commenced investigation to determine the circumstances surrounding the death in Makeni on 23rd December 2022 of a 17-month-old child in police cell. The Board said in statement that “it commenced a preliminary investigation into reports of an alleged death of a 17-month old baby, while locked up...Read More
Orange Money ‘Shorki Love’ promotion which started on October 2020 and ended in January 2021 was part of the Orange Sierra Leone’s end of year promotion which offered cash prices which valued Le 3 billion including 5 brand new cars. Orange through Orange Money has on Tuesday March 16, 2021 handed over four brand new...Read More
Sierra Leone, on Monday March 8, 2021 received the first batch of 96,000 doses of the AstraZeneca-Oxford COVID-19 vaccine shipped via the COVAX Facility, a partnership between the Government of Sierra Leone, CEPI, Gavi, UNICEF and WHO. The arrival of the vaccines is a historic step towards ensuring equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines globally, in...Read More
Sierra Leone Ambassador to Egypt, Morie Fofana has been honored in Egypt to officially open the first-ever export and trade fair organized by Hnsana W. Nsadar in Cairo during an official ceremony held on Thursday, February 11, 2021. The ceremony was themed: “we will produce and export”. The aim of the Trade Fair is to...Read More