Court-martial:  16th Accused Denies Thumbprint on Purported Statement

By Fatima Kpaka 

The 16th accused Warrant Officer Class II 18178210 Adikali Turay has on Tuesday 30th July 2024 before Judge Advocate Mark Ngegba and members of the Court Martial Board denied that an imprint on his statement purportedly from his right hand thumb, was not his.

The accused, in continuation of his testimony led by lawyer Julius N. Koffie, also said that parts of the statement prosecutors had presented as those he had made to the police were untrue.

The accused commenced by informing the court that he was attached to the Arms Forces  Personnel Centre (AFPC) as a Clerk and had served the army for 29 years.  

He added that his lawyer was absent when statements were obtained from him, and that the investigator denied him the opportunity to get one.

He also revealed that none of his relatives were present when statement was obtained from him, and added that he was not cautioned by the investigators in respect of his allegations, adding that some is contained in the statement was not what he had told the investigation team as the statement was not read to him after it had been recorded.

He said that thumb print on the statement is not his, noting that he did not tell the investigators that he had seen Koita engaged in serious firing on the day of the incident and that he did not at any point in time see Koita at Cockerill military headquarters.

The accused further disclosed that he did not tell the investigators that he saw Staff Sergeant Abu Dauda and colleagues firing a rifle on the 26th of November 2023, neither saw them holding a meeting in respect of the alleged incident.

WO2 Turay denied committing mutiny against the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces and killing someone, adding that he has been in the army for 29 years with no disciplinary infractions.

In conclusion he said he wanted the court-martial to free him and discharge him of all the allegations which he claimed were untrue.

During cross examination, Turay, the accused, revealed that he enlisted in the RSLAF in 1999, and added that among the duties he performed as RQMF were to take charge of rations, uniforms and other related matters.

In further questions posed to him in respect of whether he had any business at Cockerill on Saturdays and Sundays, the accused in reply said sometime his boss called him to the office on those days.

Lawyer Koroma put it to the witness that on Saturday 25th November 2023, he was never called by his boss to come to the office, and Turay replied in the affirmative adding that he came to know about the incidents from a friend who stayed at Benguma and one military officer at Wilberforce Barracks.

The accused confirmed that based on the information he had received, he was aware that the incident was very serious to the point that the state was under threat.

He also told the court that it was he who called Lance Corporal Rachel Kamara, adding that he called her severally before she could pick the call.

The accused furthered that when he went to the military headquarters, after Rachel had asked him to help bring his child to safety noting further that he also went there upon the request of his boss Fofanah.

He further revealed that he went to Cockerill to render service to the nation and save lives and property.

Lawyer Koroma put it to the witness that the accused in his testimony told the court that the only reason he went to Cockerill to rescue Rachel’s daughter, and the accused replied that it was not the only reason why he went there, and that on his arrival he was searched and interrogation by two armed men as to what he was doing there.

The accused confirmed further that he was also intercepted by another group led by Colonel Kposowa, and that he was not armed and could not tell whether arms were available for those that were on duty.

The accused further revealed during cross examination that Rachel told him to take her child to Murray town barracks, but he suggested that the safest place by then was at the AFPC office, adding that he never wanted to risk taking her out of the headquarters that night when things were not normal.

WO2 said he was taught at the training school that when he hears a fire alarm, he should move to the nearest military establishment.

When he was questioned as to who instructed him to close the gate leading to AFPC office,  he revealed to the court that  it was WO1, Sitta Dumbuya one of the accused persons, adding that he was about to execute that when an unknown armed man caught and manhandled him.

“I did not tell the investigators that I saw the 4th accused Abu Dauda and Amadu Koita Makalo firing at loyal government forces,” he emphasized.

The accused also revealed that the incident was fresh in his mind at the time he was investigated and that due to the wounds and pain he sustained, the President and First Lady even sympathized with him.

In addition he said it was not true that he was part of the enemies that had fought loyal government forces during which he sustained gun shots wounds.