Court-martial:  Judge Advocate Orders Separate Trial for 18th Accused

By Fatima Kpaka 

Jude Advocate Mark Ngegba, who presides in the ongoing Court-martial trial for soldier who allegedly participated in the November 26, 2023 coup d’état, has on Thursday,  August 8, 2024 ordered for one Corporal Abu Bakarr Koroma of the 4th Battalion of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces to be tried separately due to the accused’s health condition.

Judge Advocate Ngegba also ordered for the 18th accused to be treated at a medical facility.

Corporal Koroma had been suffering from epilepsy since January 2024 when the current trial commenced. He collapsed in court while Defense Counsel Julian Cole was making his closing address before Jude Advocate Ngegba and the 7 members of the court-martial Board.

 It had been a usual occurrence since Koroma was charged to court on several counts ranging from Mutiny, Failure to Suppress Mutiny, Aiding the Enemy and other related charges.

 Prior to the order, lead State Prosecutor J. A. K. Sesay made applied based on section 109 of the Arm Forces Act 1961 for the accused person to be tried separately from others in the interest of justice and fairness.

Counsel Sesay added that Koroma is unable to stand trial and further drew the attention of the court to section 89 sub rule 1 of the Armed Forces Act 1961.

Lawyer Sesay asserted that Koroma was not fit to continue standing trial taking into consideration that he had been jointly charged with the others, but added that his deteriorating health would delay the proceedings.

Defense Lawyer I. Bangura counsel had, before the accused collapsing in court presented a medical report on the accused to the court.

Judge Advocate Mark Ngegba having heard the application made by State Counsel J. A. K. Sesay ordered for the accused person to be taken to a medical facility, and also for a separate trial to be conducted for him pursuant to section 109 of the Arm Forces Act 1961.

After this order, the accused was taken away whiles the remaining 25 accused persons’ trial continued.