Dominion Reform Centre Rescues Over 40 Kush Addicts

As Sierra Leone is still battling with the deadly drug called kush, one center that has stood the test of time, Dominion Reform Centre has been doing extremely well to help salvage the situation.

Dominion Reform Centre situated at Blessed Avenue, Sherbro Town, and Goderich has become a safe haven for the recovery of Kush addicts. Kush, a mixture of Cannabis, Fentanyl, Tramadol, Formaldehyde and possibly ground human bones is a cheap and highly addictive illegal drug that has been ravaging communities in Sierra Leone.  

Its menace has led to the declaration of a national emergency on drug abuse by Sierra Leone President Julius Maada Bio.

As the fight to rehabilitate those under the current deadly drug continues, Rev. Tom Blessed-Sawyer of Shalom Ministry of Bethel International Assembly, Goderich branch came with a solution through his Dominion Reform Centre.

Rev. Tom explained that the vision came to him when one of his instrumentalists was reported of being under the influence of kush. He said Jonathan, the instrumentalist was relocated to Waterloo at that time, but he requested his family to bring him back so he could play his part.

He went on to say that when he got Jonathan, he locked him in one of his uncompleted buildings, there he was treating him, praying and also encouraging him. He said through the successful story of Jonathan,  residents of Goderich began to come with their children to him despite he was telling them about the challenges such as proper shelter, beddings and food he is encountering they still insisted to come with their children because they are seeing the impact in other victims’ lives.

He said through prayers and teaching by him and a host of other men of God, lives have been transformed.

On to press time, Dominion Reform Centre have 48 addicted kush victims, 8 of them are female while others parents are still waiting for space to be available for their children to be enrolled as there is no enough bedding, food among others.

Jonathan, who was the first to be enrolled in to the center is now helping the team to control others while the second victim that was enrolled Abubakarr Tejan Fornah is now the driver of Evidence Pure Water Company. 

Rev. Tom Blessed-Sawyer is determined to do more for his people but is currently restrained financially as the program is self-funded. The 48 addicted kush victims eating three times a day, some can even eat up to four times when their appetite increases.

He appealed for support from likeminded people, non-governmental organization and the government as there is lot of evidence on what he does.

“Things are not easy; at the same time, we don’t want the potential of these youths to be wasted. One of my desires now is what will they do after the reform. Some have been going to school, some are skilled. We don’t want them to go again to the idleness that leads some of them to this,” he said.

Jonathan Cole was the first to be reformed by the center. He explained that his entire family had given up on him but Rev. Tom took him in and rehabilitated him. He has been in the centre for three months, now helping Rev. Tom and team to control others.

“Great changes have taken place in my life. I am feeling good, now guarding my friends and I pray that they too reach the stage I have found myself because kush is destroying the youths,” Jonathan said. 

Haja Lama Adama Shour, aka Jennifer, a musician fluent in French and currently seven-month pregnant expressed thanks and appreciation to God for the timely intervention of Rev. Tom in her life. She explained that she went to sell kush to someone at Goderich when Rev. Tom’s wife invited her to listen to the word of God, from that time, she said her life began to change.

Jennifer dream was to become a nurse before his addiction to kush set in, but she never gives up on her dream as she is trying to recover from the kush crisis and read to chase her dream.

“Kush, tramadol and cigarettes are no longer my friends. I wouldn’t take them again,” Jennifer said.

She also advised her friends not to take kush because it came to steal their destiny.

“My life has changed, I am feeling happy. I am eating 3 times a day now at this centre,” Jennifer said.

Eustacia Roberts explained that she smoked kush for 5 years. She furthered that she was so filthy when she was taking the kush and how she was sleeping with different men just to have money to buy kush.

Since she came to the centre she has been reformed. She said everybody abandoned her, but Rev. Tom took her in and provided food and shelter for her. 

“Right now, I am happy for my life because I am feeling good. The way I am feel now to before is different. I am eating three times a day. No more starvation,” she said.

Abubakarr Tejan Fornah was the second to be rescued by the centre. He is now rehabilitated and drives for Evidence Pure Water Company.

He said that during his addiction he was unprogressive, but now his life has improved. He advised his brothers and sisters to stop taking kush though it is not easy because he too had been through same, but let them keep on the fight. He disclosed that on a daily basis they see two to three burials due to kush related issues with no respect in their community.

“Kush is not good for us, please let us stop it now,” he said

He appealed for the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone to increase their effort as most of the youths have destroyed their future through the drug.

 Manager Pastor Lonnel Sahid Kargbo said that they work in collaboration with Rev. Tom to ensure that they reform the lives of persons addicted to the deadly kush drugs.

He added that the Centre is free and does not ask for anything, but if someone or any organization is interested in supporting them it will be a welcome gesture for them.

Through prayers and counselling they are winning the fight and the number person they give care to are increasing on a daily basis at the Centre.

“If you can support us with matreses, toiletries, food, water among others, we would be very much grateful. You can reach the centre on 088760663. Capacity building is our concern after the reform. We don’t have any support for them to be skills after the reform, please help to save the future generation,” he appealed.