Four Dead, 10 Injured after Fence Collapses

By Alusine Sesay

Four people (a mother and her three children) have died while 10 others suffered injuries after a fence collapsed in Alpha Terrance, Calaba Town, east of Freetown  on Friday, August 2,2024, the National Disaster  Management Agency said in a statement on Friday.

The disaster agency said that the tragedy was triggered by torrential overnight rainfall and flooding. The fence was housing an abandoned house.

The deceased are:  Adamsay Mansaray, 42; Mariama Kargbo, 20; Adamsay Kargbo,11; and four-month-old Saidu Sesay.

This brings the number of people who have died in Freetown as a result of national disaster to nine since the torrential rain started in July.  

The injured individuals have been transported to nearby hospitals for urgent medical treatment.

The incident was reported to the NDMA at approximately 2:30am. “The fence had previously shown visible cracks and was identified as a high-risk structure. The NDMA had conducted prior assessments and advised residents living beneath the fence to relocate for their safety; however, this advice was unfortunately not heeded, leading to this devastating outcome,” the disaster agency said in a the statement.

Upon receiving the report, the NDMA responded swiftly, visited the scene and safely dismantled the remaining unstable sections of the fence to prevent further collapse, with the support of community members. In collaboration with the Sierra Leone Police, the NDMA facilitated the transportation of the deceased to Connaught Mortuary.

NDMA officials have engaged with the bereaved families, offering their deepest condolences and committed to supporting the burial process. Additionally, the NDMA is using this incident as an opportunity to again remind the public to avoid constructing or residing in houses beneath high retaining walls or in flood-prone areas. An assessment of the incident has been completed, and the NDMA will soon provide relief support to the victims affected by this tragedy.