Freetown Mayor distributes 25,000 tree seedlings to residents for planting

Sierra Leone Telegraph: 7 August 2024:

Freetown City Council announced August 6, 2024 that it will be distributing 25,000 tree saplings to the capital’s households, from 16th to 18th August 2024. When planted, this will add to the hundreds of thousands of trees that have so far been planted across the city to improve environmental and climate resilience.

The council says it will be giving away tree saplings in several locations, including – Old School, Congo Cross, Aberdeen Round about, Winners Chapel, Dwarzark Junction, Imatt Leicester Peak Junction, Grassfield Lumley Community Centre, Brewery in Wellington, Kissy Police Barracks, and Gassama Street Junction.

“The tree giveaway initiative is an opportunity to contribute to Freetown’s green spaces and the beautification of our surroundings. Trees will be available on a first-come, first-served basis, and you are encouraged to visit early,” Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr said.

In another development, on Monday, Mayor Aki-Sawyerr celebrated with and congratulated winners of the Bloomberg Youth Climate Action Fund Awards.

Commenting on the awards, Mayor Aki-Sawyerr said: “It was my pleasure to symbolically present cheques to the 9 winners of the Bloomberg Youth Climate Action Fund, launched in May 2024 by FCC, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). The objective of the Fund is to empower young leaders committed to addressing the climate crisis.

“Each winning team received a microgrant for their climate action projects as follows: Movable Ease Sierra Leone ($4,150); Sierra Eco Heat ($5,000); Girls for the Environment ($5,000); Sierra Sport Paladin ($4,500); Student Tourism Hub-FBC ($3,737); Youth Initiative for Climate Action (YICA) Sierra Leone ($4,901); Nature for Mangroves ($5,000); EducAid Green Guardians ($4,625), and the Freetown Media Center ($4,500).

“Their projects include waste-to-energy initiatives, policy research, tree planting, urban greening, mangrove restoration of Freetown’s coastal communities, and the development of an app for real-time disaster warnings.

“Congratulations again to the 9 winning teams and we look forward to supporting and monitoring their projects as they implement their practical solutions to the climate crisis in Freetown.”