Health Ministry Engages Paramount Chiefs on ITNs Mass Distribution Campaign

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma,

Senior Health Education Officer –MoH

The Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with its partners has on Friday, October 13, 2023, engaged Paramount Chiefs from the southern region at the One World Link Conference Hall in Boy City on the Sierra Leone 2023 ITNs Mass Distribution Campaign scheduled to start in Bo District as a pilot.

The main purpose of the engagement was to orientate traditional authorities from the south on the upcoming Insecticide Treated Mosquito Net Distribution Campaign thereby soliciting their support and commitment to achieve the desired goal/outcome of the campaign and ensuring ownership, especially on the area of reviving/enforcing byelaws on ITNs misuse at community level.

Talking on the need to strengthen collaboration with Traditional Leaders, the National Malaria Control Programme Manager, Dr. Abdul Mac Falama emphasized the role of community stakeholders, including PCs in achieving the campaign goal of reaching 95% households with key messages on the ITNs campaign, a target which he stated cannot be achieved without strong partnership and collaboration with traditional authorities.

He reiterated that the MoH and partners will be distributing over 5.3 million ITNs nationwide between October 2023 –  February 2024, adding that the campaign will be digitalized for the first time in Sierra Leone in which household registration and distribution of ITNs will be done using android mobile phones and other communication technologies to record data in real time. 

Dr. Mac Falama further said that registration of households will be done, and vouchers given to household heads to claim their ITNs at the distribution points from the  17th – 26th October 2023.

He clarified that the idea of doing the pilot in Bo was as a result of the fact that Bo is one of the districts with high malaria burden which better placed it for a test case – a learning point for possible roll-out to the other 15 districts in January 2024.

Paramount Chief (PC) John Russell Nyama II of Lower Banta Chiefdom in Moyamba District committed and assured that they will utilize their traditional structures and networks to disseminate the message on the ITNs mass distribution campaign, with special emphasis on penalties and the need to enforce byelaws on ITNs misuse. He called on his fellow PCs to own the campaign as malaria is no respecter of status, as it catches everyone and one way to prevent is by first, accessing the net and use it properly, an opportunity which he said the MoH is planning to give them. “Let us grab it fast and own it because if our subjects are sick with malaria can we farm? Can our children go to school?” PC Russell asked.

Other PCs from the south like Richard Hindolo Gbenga of Bagbwe Chiefdom in Bo District, Hon. PC Matilda Minah of Y.K.K. Chiefdom in Pujehun District and PC Ruth Fawundu Songa of Gbo Chiefdom joined Chief Russell to reemphasize their commitment to support the ITNs campaign for an improved outcome.