Mason in Custody for Breaking in and Stealing from Store

By Alimatu Jalloh

A mason Sheku Foday Kamara, 25, has on Tuesday July 2, 2024 made another appearance before Magistrate Santigie Bangura of Pademba Road court No.2 in Freetown for allegedly breaking into and stealing from the store of one Mamadu Wurie Barrie, and for also wounding, assaulting and causing pain to the body of the same man.

According to police claims in the first count, Kamara intentionally broke into and stole 10 1 x 4 pieces of cartoon tiles, 15 2×2 iron pipes and other assorted items all to the total value of Le 6,175 from Barrie’s store on the 12th of June 2024 at Signal Hill Road, Wilberforce Freetown.

Count two and three respectively furthered that Kamara on the same date and place also maliciously wounded and assaulted Barrie causing him to feel body pains. After the charges had been read and explained to the accused person he was not ask to take a plea.

Sergeant 8811 Florence M. Wilson led the 1st prosecution witness, Mamadu Wurie Barrie, a Baker by trade, who commenced his testimony by stating that he knew the accused as a member of Signall Hill community. He recalled that on the 12th of June 2024 he observed that pipes and cartons of tiles which had been given to him for safe keeping by Amadu Jalloh were missing and he observed that the zinc roof had been removed. He added that two days later, when entered the bakery he saw a shadow in the store and when he went around the bakery and gained access to the store he saw the accused inside the store. He said he then threw e threw a nail which injured the accused, and added that the accused then attacked and injured him on the leg and then ran away. Barrie added that he then called out for help from community people who aided him in apprehending and taking the accused to the Congo Cross Police Station where he made reported the matter. He said he was then issued with a medical request form which he took to the hospital where medical practitioners examined and treated and issued him with the endorsed medical form which he later returned to the police station. He then produced the medical request form which had been endorsed from the hospital for identification, and it was marked as exhibit Z. He added that later the police came to the scene, took snapshot of the tiles and properties which he had taken to the police station, and he later made statement at the said police station.

The accused had no lawyer representing him, and so he cross-examined the witness. Meanwhile Magistrate Bangura refused to admit the accused person to bail and sent him to the Male Correctional facility in Freetown. He also adjourned the matter to the 9th of July 2024.