Need for Leadership Transition in APC

 By Sylvester Suaray

 The SLPP Mission To Dismantle The APC

 The moment the Bio-lead Sierra Leone People’s Party (SLPP) attained power in 2018, they immediately embarked on a mission to dismantle the main opposition All Peoples Congress (APC). A wide array of devious tactics were employed to accomplish that mission. In doing so, the security sector, the courts and the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) were weaponised against top APC functionaries. Through Commissions of Inquiry and the  ACC, APC leaders have been subjected to extraordinary blackmail and character assassination. Travel bans were imposed on them, bank accounts were frozen, and assets seized, many of them incarcerated, or subjected to persistent police harassment and intimidation.

Such colossal damage to the image of many of the APC leaders has rendered it weak, ineffective, and painfully disoriented. This, in turn, has led to accusations and counteraccusations of a sell-out by the various factions within the party. The internal strife and the public disparagements of those who are supposed to lead the party have caused irreparable damage to the electoral attractiveness of the party.

Despite Its Failings, The APC Is Unable To Check The SLPP

Despite the human rights abuses, the damage they have caused to the economy, the ethno-regional divisions they have created, their generally ineffective governance, the corrupt nature of the SLPP government, and though there is hardly any evidence to substantiate their actions, the SLPP have targeted our hardworking elders unfairly, tarnished, and blackmailed them in such a way that the APC leadership has been seriously weakened. Even our supporters, as well as the voting populace, appear to have lost considerable confidence in the once vibrant and hope-giving APC.

 Without a doubt, our party is suffering under the political manipulations of the ruling SLPP, which is why it is crucial to tap from the APC’s endless human resources amongst its ranks. As things stand, the salvation of the main opposition party sits in the cultivation and the introduction of fresh leadership, new ideas, perspectives, and energy.

New Era, New Perspectives

 Never mind what has happened to its leaders, the APC younger generation is deeply appreciative of and commends their older members for their esteemed services to the party. They recognise and hold dear the values they have built. Their hard work will not be in vain because the younger generation who believes in their sacrifices will carry on their vision and protect their legacy.

That said, Sierra Leone is in an era that is totally different from what it was 15 years ago, and so is the rest of the world. In this rapidly changing world, it is vital for the political landscape in the All People’s Congress (APC) party to reflect the values, aspirations, and challenges of Sierra Leone’s younger generation.  Former British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once said that [the] Youth is [are] the trustee[s] of prosperity.

In today’s digitally connected world, our party must look beyond the past and consider the importance of technological proficiency. Younger leaders are more likely to possess the necessary skills and understanding of technology’s impact across various sectors. With emerging challenges such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and automation, it is vital to have leaders who comprehend these issues and can formulate effective policies to meet the demands of the digital age.

Benefits Of Young And Fresh Leadership

The findings of a 2015 study by Jack Zenger and Joseph Folkman suggest that younger managers exhibit more positive outcomes in leadership behaviours compared to their older counterparts. This highlights the presence of talented young leaders in organisations with the potential to assume key roles in the future. The study indicates that younger managers excel in areas such as embracing change, inspiring and motivating employees, seeking feedback, challenging the status quo, focusing on results, and fearlessly tackling challenges. Their ability to adapt, innovate, lead through inspiration, and drive progress and innovation sets them apart. The study emphasizes the unique qualities and strengths that younger managers bring to leadership roles.

Fresh perspectives and innovative solutions must become the foundation of the political agenda in the APC. When leaders become entrenched in their ways, political staleness naturally sets in, hindering progress. Younger leaders, free from long-held mindsets, bring fresh perspectives that question the status quo. Through their enthusiasm and novel ideas, they can offer innovative solutions to current problems, paving the way for positive change and progress.

 Older politicians often struggle to connect with younger voters, resulting in a disconnect between policymaking and the needs and aspirations of the youth. By positioning younger leaders in key roles, this gap can be bridged, inspiring active participation and engagement among younger voters and fostering a strong and inclusive democracy. Above all, a youth’s call to action can better be led by one of their own.

 While experienced leaders undoubtedly possess valuable knowledge, they may prioritize short-term gains over long-term planning. Younger leaders, unburdened by the weight of history, are more likely to adopt a future-oriented approach, making decisions that consider the needs and well-being of future generations. It is believed that their fresh outlook can help construct sustainable frameworks that effectively address issues such as climate change, economic inequality, healthcare accessibility and youth empowerment.

 The Ernest Bai Koroma Example

A prime example of the benefits of young leadership can be seen in the rise of former President Ernest Bai Koroma within the APC back in 2002. When he assumed leadership, he was a fresh face and a younger leader who resonated with the electorate. Although there was initial resistance from older members of the party, it became evident that the decision to have Koroma as a new face was worthwhile. President Koroma served and respectfully bowed out even when he was still strong and popular enough to continue. 

 Embracing youthful leadership and introducing new faces into the political arena is crucial for the well-being of Sierra Leonean society. The unique combination of diverse representation, technological expertise, innovative thinking, the ability to connect with the youth, and a long-term vision they bring can drive inclusive policies and provide a platform for progress and growth. By harnessing the energy and dynamism of the younger generation, we can establish a more responsive, equitable, and prosperous political landscape for both current and future generations to flourish.

What Kind of Young Leadership Should The APC Empowerment

 The next leadership of the APC should embody humility, integrity, and personal accomplishment. They should possess the right mix of local and international connections to bridge the gap between generations. The recent stolen election and the outcome of the tripartite committee deliberations make it obvious that such young leadership must have the necessary international clout and connections to relate well with that Community

The young leadership must possess the character to unite Sierra Leone, manage conflicts, nurture peace, and bridge the divide between the northwest and southeast. Currently, the country is divided, and instead of power struggles between these two regions, the APC should focus on sharing power between them for peaceful coexistence, utilising the younger generation as leaders to foster this change.

 The APC currently yearns for a leader who mirrors their aspirations and presents a fresh face in the political landscape, someone they can look up to and strive to emulate. The forthcoming leadership must possess the ability to bridge the divide that currently exists between the government and younger citizens, fostering unity and collaboration. The APC must embrace the potential for change, putting faith in young people to lead the way towards a brighter future.


Sierra Leone is burdened with an unfinished development agenda left by APC that the SLPP government has fallen short in carrying on since assuming power six years ago. Even now, the ruling party is neither willing nor interested in Sierra Leone’s development. Therefore, if the APC is serious about rescuing the country from the clutches of megalomania in government, it must embrace fresh perspectives and innovative approaches to gaining and maintaining power. It’s just commonsense for the current APC leadership/stakeholders to shed their egos and endeavour to cede power to a fresh crop of its progeny to squarely match its main opponent in the political boxing ring.

About the Author  

Sylvester Suaray is the opposition APC Deputy Regional Chairman South and a doctoral student at the University of Cumbria, researching The Effects of Leadership Communications in Sustainable Development Initiatives.