Parliament Ratifies Air Service Agreements

By Feima Kpaka

The Parliament of Sierra Leone on Thursday, July, 18, 2024, ratified Air Service Agreements for the development and economic growth of Sierra Leone.

The Agreements were laid on the table of the House on Tuesday, March 28, Thursday, June 24, and Tuesday, July 16, 2024, respectively.

The agreements that were ratified  by Parliament are:

1. Agreement Between the Government Of the United Arab Emirates and the Government of Sierra Leone  For Air Services Between and Beyond Respective Territories Dated 23rd October 2014.

2. Bilateral Air Services Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, dated 3rd December 2023.

3. Bilateral Air Services Agreement Between The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone,2023.

4. Memorandum of Understanding Between the Aeronautical of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the Aeronautical Authority of the Republic of Sierra Leone, Dated 6th December 2023.

5. Air Services Agreements between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and The Government of the Republic of Singapore, Dated 26, December 2013.

6. Air Transport Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone and The Government of the Republic of The Czech Republic, Dated 5th December 2023.

7. Admistraive package for Ratification of the Protocol Amending Article 50 (A) of the Convention of the International Civil Aviation, Dated 6, October 2016.

8. Administrative package for Ratification of the Protocol Amending Protocol (56)  of the Convention on International Aviation, Dated 6th October 2016.

Presenting the Agreements, the Deputy Minister of Transport and Aviation, Mr Rex Bonapha, said the Agreements intended to undertake the development of a world-class facility. The Deputy Minister of Transport and Aviation made a reference to the Chicago Convention of 1944, which established the International Civil Aviation Commission (ICACO), which is responsible for fostering planning and development of International Air Transport and International Civil Aviation.

Over the following years, he said, ICACO developed a series of traffic rights known as Freedoms of the Air. These freedoms continue to form the basis of rights in the exchange of air services negotiations, amongst others.

The Deputy Minister of Transport and Aviation, Mr Rex Bonapha, said the government must continuously negotiate new treaties to allow international aviation to grow and expand airline carriers in the new emerging markets.

The deputy minister of transport and aviation also informed the House that the bilateral system has allowed international aviation to grow its industry, adding that it is a sure part of legalizing air transportation.

The Minister informed Parliament that the agreements have no financial cost burden on the government and the people of Sierra Leone. According to him, the Agreements are meant to facilitate air transport and promote economicgrowth, facilitate and promote tourism, and improve on supply chain investment. He reiterated that the Agreements would enhance the labour supply Mechanism for Investors.

The Chairman of the Committee on Transport and Aviation, Hon Ambrose Madaa Lebby, said they have ratified a lot of concessional agreements, but some of them had not yielded dividends. He said the Agreements are standardised and not controversial. According to him, the Agreements would boost trade and help in the transport sector.

Hon. Emilia Lolloh Tongi from Kailahun District said the agreements would create the opportunity for direct flights to and from Sierra Leone to England and other countries.

The Opposition Chief Whip from Kambia District, Hon. Abdul Karim Kamara expressed disappointment over the high price of air tickets from Sierra Leone to other countries.

He emphasized that compatriots prefer to travel through Guinea because of the skyrocketing air tickets in Sierra Leone.

In rounding up the debate Acting Leader of Opposition, Hon. Daniel Koroma spoke about importance to have Sierra Leone National Airlines for internal and external air transportation.

He used the opportunity to appeal to the government to pursue the Mammah Airport Project for the benefit of the country.

Concluding the debate, the Acting Leader of Government Business, Hon. Bashiru Silikie from Bo District thanked the Deputy Minister for bringing very important Agreements to Parliament for ratification

He underscored the need to have an internal aircraft with an inscription, Fly Sierra Leone.