Parliament Ratifies CTC Mining Agreement

By Fatima Kpaka

The Parliament has on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, ratified the CTC Mining Sierra Leone Limited and Extractive Industries fiscal stabilization agreement for large-scale mining with some amendments.

The agreement was tabled by the minister of finance Mr Fantamadi Bangura for ratification.

Prior to the ratification, the Acting leader of the opposition All People’s Congress (APC) party  Hon. Daniel Koroma  opposed to the ratification of the agreement on the grounds that there are certain issues which should be amended before such ratification is made. He cautioned the House not to be in hurry to rarity any agreement.

Hon. Koroma Mentioned that together with the leader of government business Hon. Matthew Sahr Nyuma he was able to notice certain issues in the former agreement just within three minutes of looking at it.

“Just in three minutes, I noticed that the definition of minister was not prosper because both minister of finance and mines are minister of monies, which is not done,” Hon. Koroma revealed.

“The environs of Sierra Rutile is overtaken by dust in the dry season,” Hon Koroma disclosed.

He said the surface rent and community development funds given by the mining companies are not reflecting their intended purposes.

“Why don’t we as MPs use our rights and tell these companies to use the CDFs to construct one kilometer road yearly?” he questioned.

He admonished that sending agreements out of parliaments because of issues anytime it is brought in parliament, rather he suggested that after the first rejection by the house of representatives, the Chairman of Legislative Committee have a second look at them before they are brought to the house for ratifications.

“Until rules or agreements are laid, they are not binding,” Hon. Koroma stated.

 “CTC mining is exempted from any change whether it is financial or not in clause 6.2 of this agreement,” Hon. Koroma mentioned. “What is wrong for us to do changes on this?” he asked.

Hon. Bashiru Silikie who acted as leader of government business responded that the finance minister should take note of the necessary issues listed for corrections as the government will not be in favour of any agreement that does not speak in the good interest of the country.

Hon. Sellu said that mining companies sign over 50 years contract with the government but give a year’s contract to local contractors.

He added that the ministry gives out license for large scale mining to companies without bringing those agreement first to parliament.

Hon. Ibrahim Tawa Conteh, who acted as speaker, cautioned the finance minister to take note of all the concerned raised by MPs.

The acting speaker said that the house should set up a committee to go round other parliaments to see how agreements are dealt with to prevent similar commotions in future.

 After thorough scrutiny, the CTC mining agreement was however ratified by members of the house.