Parliament Ratifies Several Agreements

By Fatima Kpaka

The Parliament of Sierra Leone, on Thursday, November 31, 2024, ratified several agreements for the socio-economic development of the country.

The agreements that were ratified by the Parliament are:

(I) Grant Agreement -Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Grant Agreement Second Additional Financing for the West Africa Food System Resilience Program Phase 2 Under Multi-Phase Programmatic Approach between the Republic of Sierra Leone and International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Acting as Trustee and as a Supervising Entity of the Global Agriculture and Food Security Program Dated 4th August 2023.

(ii) Letter of Agreement Transition Support Facility (TSF)Pillar (III), Enhancing in Efficiency in Public Debt Management Institutional Support (EEPDMIS) Projects Republic of Sierra Leone Dated 5th July 2023.

(III) Financing Agreement (Sierra Leone Financial Inclusion Projects between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Development Association (IDA), Dated 29th June,2023.

(iv) Financing Agreement (Second  Additional Financing Free Education Project) between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Development Association Dated 29 September 2023).

(V) Republic of Sierra Leone Financing (IFAD) Grants No.2000002586/loan No.2000002587 Additional Loan No.2000003095 Grant No2000002586/Additional Grant DSF  No 2000003094/Additional RPSF Grant No 2000003757 Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (AVDP)( Amendment to the Financing Agreement) Dated 22nd March 2023.

(Vi) Republic of Sierra Leone Financing Agreement Loan No.1-893-Sl; Grant No.1Dst -81115 Sl Additional Loan No.2000002312 Additional Grant No 2000002311.Rural Finance and Community Improvement Programme II(”RFC1P2”The Programme) Amendment to the Financing Agreement between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the International Fund for Agricultural Development Dated 24th October 2023.

(Vii) Loan Agreement Construction and Equipment of the Riyadh Referral Hospital between the Saudi Fund for Development and the Republic of Sierra Leone dated 9th November 2023.

(Viii) Financing Agreement between the European Commission and the Republic of Sierra Leone.

(Ix) Protocol of Agreement between the Republic of Sierra Leone and the African Development Fund( Mano River Union Road Development and Transport Facilitation Programme Phase (Iv) Dated 5 February 2024.

(X) Subsidiary Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Sierra Leone Represented by the Ministry of Finance and Bank of Sierra Leone Regarding the Sierra Second Financial Inclusion Projects Dated 26th October 2023.

The Deputy Minister of Finance Kadiatu Alie,  in her presentation of all agreements before the House, highlighted the importance of these agreements towards the economic development of the country.

The Deputy Minister of Finance elucidated details of the agreement before the House and acknowledged their contributions to national development.