Preston Businessman Collaborates with EducAid to Deliver Vital Tech to Sierra Leone Schools

By Mark Thomas

A Preston businessman has teamed up with EducAid, a charitable organisation dedicated to providing quality education to undeserved children in Sierra Leone. Ben Swindlehurst, CEO of Asset Disposal, a leading IT asset disposal firm based in Manchester, has forged the partnership in order to send refurbished IT equipment to Sierra Leone to support educational initiatives for school children across the country.

Ben’s journey to this impactful partnership began during his military service, when he was deployed as a ‘gunner’ serving with 29 (Commando) Regiment Royal Artillery to secure the Lunghi airport and to evacuate foreign citizens during the civil war in Sierra Leone. Following the evacuation, his regiment remained in the country for a number of months assisting with the peace-keeping operation. This experience left a lasting impression on Ben, particularly the resilience and spirit of the Sierra Leonean people and their children.

Says Ben; “As a young and impressionable solider, serving in Sierra Leone was an eye opener, and a quick learning curve in life. Seeing first-hand the challenges present for so many in Sierra Leone, I was inspired to act. Working with EducAid means we can do just that, by supporting a cause that helps these communities get access to quality education and better opportunities.”

Transforming IT Waste into Educational Opportunities

An IT suite in a school in Sierra Leone

Ben’s company specialises in the responsible disposal and refurbishment of IT equipment, ensuring that any redundant assets are repurposed, rather than contributing to the UK’s growing electronic waste problem. This commitment to sustainability led to a meaningful initiative: repurposing IT resources to benefit low-income communities in Sierra Leone.

EducAid: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Through Education

EducAid is a UK-based charity dedicated to supporting education in Sierra Leone, one of the poorest countries in the world. The organisation, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, runs schools, trains teachers and works on gender equality and improving community resilience in Sierra Leone. Through the partnership with EducAid, refurbished IT equipment will be distributed to schools in Sierra Leone, where access to technology remains limited. By being able to improve digital access with increased computers, Asset Disposal and EducAid aim to improve the learning experience and further educational opportunities for students.

Making a Tangible Difference

To date, over 60 PCs and monitors and all supporting items have been sent to Freetown, enough to develop three IT suites in local schools. Moving forward, Ben and his company will continue to replace the items as required and support the schools with any IT issues, enabling the charity to concentrate on developing the education of the students.

Adds Ben; “Our aim is to support EducAid’s mission to provide quality education to children in Sierra Leone. By donating refurbished equipment, we can give these students the tools they need to learn, explore, and reach their full potential, thereby making a tangible difference in the lives of children.”

For more information about EducAid, its history and its initiatives, please visit