Sierra Leone has become the first African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) State Party to complete an implementation readiness assessment under the AfCFTA Implementation Review Mechanism (AFIRM). The assessment evaluates Sierra Leone’s compliance with the AfCFTA Protocol on Trade in Goods, highlighting progress and identifying challenges as the country prepares to commence trading under the AfCFTA.
Over seven days of discussions, national experts, policymakers, and stakeholders reviewed Sierra Leone’s adherence to key trade obligations, including tariff schedules, rules of origin, customs cooperation, and trade facilitation. The meeting validated the assessment report, approved an Action Plan to enhance compliance, and identified broader challenges and opportunities for trade integration.
The findings outline a roadmap for strengthening Sierra Leone’s trade capacity, with recommendations on legal reforms, private sector involvement, and infrastructure development. Sierra Leone’s leadership in this process sets a benchmark for accountability under the AFIRM.
The AfCFTA Secretariat remains committed to supporting Sierra Leone in implementing the Action Plan and ensuring all State Parties fully benefit from trading under the AfCFTA.