Sami’s Musical Journey: From Freetown to the Spotlight Through Passion and Perseverance

By Ibrahim S. Bangura

Samuel Joel Baihinga, affectionately known as Sami, is a rising guitarist from Freetown whose journey to the spotlight is a testament to passion, perseverance, and relentless practice. From humble beginnings, Sami’s love for music began at the tender age of 10, when he found inspiration in his uncle, a talented keyboardist. “I used to sit and watch my uncle play,” Sami recalls. “He noticed my passion for music, especially the guitar, and encouraged me to start learning. Once I picked it up, I couldn’t stay away from it.”

Although Sami started with the keyboard, his heart was drawn to the guitar. “The keyboard was fun, but the emotional connection I felt with the guitar was unmatched,” he shared. “The guitar challenges me in ways the keyboard never did. It requires dedication, practice, and patience, and that’s what drew me in even more.” This deep connection would become the driving force behind Sami’s artistic growth.

Despite his love for jazz, Sami points out the lack of a well-established jazz scene in Sierra Leone, a gap that could have discouraged him. Instead, he used it as fuel for his ambition. “There’s no dedicated jazz scene here, but that’s part of the challenge. It motivates me to grow as a musician and seek new opportunities to develop my skills,” he explained, viewing this as a chance to push the boundaries of his creativity.

Sami’s development has been shaped by a wide range of musical influences, both local and international. “I listen to various guitarists, and each one shapes my style,” he said. “Watching them play gives me a vision of where I want to take my music. Every guitarist I admire brings something unique that influences my approach.”

Determined to master his craft, Sami continues to practice with both beginners and seasoned guitarists, encouraging others to persist. “Playing the guitar isn’t easy,” he acknowledged. “But I encourage anyone who loves the instrument to keep practicing. It takes time, but with consistent effort, it gets easier.”

Sami’s journey is far from over, but his unwavering dedication and love for music serve as an inspiration to aspiring artists. He hopes his story will inspire others to pursue their dreams, no matter the challenges. “I want to show that with passion and perseverance, anything is possible,” Sami concluded, his eyes firmly set on the future.

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