Sierra Leone Bans Meat Imports from Liberia

By Sallieu S. Kanu

Sierra Leone has placed a temporary banĀ  on the movement of livestock and meat imports from neighbouring Liberia after 36 cows died near the border, the government said in a statement on Monday.

The government said that it is stepping up surveillance for possible anthrax.

Authorities in Liberian said the cattle deaths began in July near the town of Kelima Bendu in Lofa County, about 10 kilometres from the Sierra Leonean border. Tests are being carried out to find the cause.

The government of Sierra Leone has place a temporary ban on the movement of all cattle, goats and sheep along the Liberian Sierra Leone boarder; prohibits the entrance of meatĀ  and meat products from Liberia into Sierra Leone; restrict the movement of cattle, goats and sheep, and meat and meats products from Kailahun, Kenema and Pujehun to other districts; and closure of all livestock market in Kailahun, Kenema and Pujehun.

In 2022, an anthrax outbreak in Sierra Leone killed more than 200 animals.