Sierra Leone Enforces Public Smoking Ban

By Ibrahim Sorie Koroma

Senior Health Education Officer –HEP/MoH

Freetown, 2024 — Public smoking has officially been banned across Sierra Leone following the enactment of the Tobacco and Nicotine Act in 2022. The Ministry of Health and Sanitation, through its Directorate of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health, has taken a firm stand against the harmful effects of tobacco use by outlawing smoking in public spaces. Violators are now subject to fines, imprisonment, or both.

Dr. Santigie Sesay, Director of Non-Communicable Diseases and Mental Health, highlighted that the ban is aimed at safeguarding public health, emphasizing that while tobacco is a legal product, the right to smoke should not infringe on others’ health. “Tobacco use poses a major public concern in Sierra Leone, with an estimated 18% of men and 3% of women between the ages of 15 and 49 being tobacco users,” he noted.

The harmful effects of tobacco are well documented, with Dr. Sesay citing that half of all tobacco users eventually die due to related illnesses. “Tobacco is a leading cause of cancer, chronic lung disease, diabetes, and other conditions. It also contributes to infertility, miscarriage, bad breath, and high blood pressure,” he explained, adding that secondhand smoke causes 900,000 premature deaths globally each year.

The Tobacco and Nicotine Act is part of a broader strategy to reduce exposure to tobacco and its harmful effects, especially among vulnerable groups like minors and pregnant women. While the focus is on protecting public health, the Act also includes provisions for economic benefits, with projected revenue from tobacco taxation expected to bring in billions of Leones.

To ensure the successful implementation of the law, the government is in the process of establishing the Tobacco and Nicotine Control Council, which will work with various stakeholders to promote awareness of the risks associated with tobacco use.

Dr. Sesay concluded by urging all sectors of society to unite in promoting the Act and raising awareness about the dangers of tobacco, calling for concerted efforts to safeguard public health and safety across the country.


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Director –Dr. Santigie Sesay