Sierra Leone: Veteran football administrator bows out at 71

The Chairman of the Central One Football Association (COFA), Pa Sama Sesay, who died on Thursday November 19, 2020, was laid to rest at the Kingtom Cemetery on Sunday  November 22 .

He had been accepted as a member of the Order of the Rokel by former President Ernest Bai Koroma. He was 71 years old, and when he served as an administrator he did tremendous work both in sports and governance.

He served as a Board member of the Emmanuel Saffa Adulai led Premier League with big success.

Pa Sama Sesay was a fatherly figure who had serious respect for the media, honoring their request to be interviewed.

Pa Sesay was the founder and first Chairman of the Central One Football Association that normally organizes the COFA Inter Community League which has produced talented footballers. Pa Sesay will be missed a lot.  

Members of the football fraternity have been sending messages of condolence to the bereaved family, and his funeral was attended by notable figures in the football family.

By Desmond Tunde Coker

24/11/2020. ISSUE NO: 7956