SLLC Alarmed over Fall in Living Standard

The Sierra Leone Labour Congress (SLLC)  has observed that over the last couple of years the prices of basic commodity have been on a steady increase which has seriously eroded the earning power of their members and the wider society.

The Secretary General of SLLC Consequently, Max K Conteh said in a position statement on Monday that, the rise in commodity prices has negatively impacted on the standard of living of workers and their families to the extent that they could hardly afford a day’s square meal.

The Labour Congress is similarly concerned about the increase in the prices of petroleum products over the years as well as the overburdening sys tern of taxation, more particularly the Goods & Services Tax (GST).

Conteh said, “All of these have further impacted the livelihood of workers and the general society as they could no longer cope with the harsh realities of the current cost of living in the country.”

The Labour Congress is worried that these continuous increases and their biting effects are not being cushioned by pro-people remedial measures by the State.  “This unmitigated economic situation is worsening inequality and poverty at individual, households and community IeveIs. This situation is worrisome and dangerous predisposition that fragile societies like Sierra Leone can ill-afford.”

In this regard, the Labour Congress wishes to draw government’s attention to the following:

1.   The steady increase in the cost of petroleum products;

2.      High cost of transportation;

3.      High prices of essential commodities including drugs and building materials;

4.      Low and stagnant salaries and wages for workers generally and particularly for public sector workers;

5.  The non-establishment of the Wages & Compensation Commission (WCC); and

6.      High taxation system.

“We urge the government to take measures, including opening genuine and constructive dialogue with critical stakeholders. In particular, the Congress considers the current situation  very critical and anxiously looks forward to engaging the government towards seeking effective, inclusive and collaborative solutions  in addressing  the highlighted burning  issues in the interest  of all Sierra Leonean workers and people,” Conteh said in the statement.

MaxK Conteh

Secretary General

By Sallieu S. Kanu