The National Women’s Cricket Team has departed Sierra Leone for Botswana. Before their departure they bade farewell to the Minister of Sports, Madam Augusta James-Teima and her Deputy, Kai Lawrence Mbayo (KLM) at their Bishop House office in Freetown, where Cricket Chairman, Francis Trevor Samura gave a rundown of their scheduled trip from Freetown to Botswana.
“We are going to take part in the ICC Women’s TC20 World Cup Division (2) African Qualifiers. If we qualify, we are going to play in the Division (1) Qualifiers in December 2023. I have confidence in them, they will qualify and come with medals and a trophy home,” he said.
He added: “Despite the financial challenges, we put modalities in place for the team to travel and they will return on September 10th 2023.”
Madam Elizabeth French an official from the National Sports Authority travelled with the team as one of the officials of the tournament. She is one of the top officials in the North-West Region.
In response, Deputy Minister of Sports, Kai Lawrence Mbayo thanked the Cricket Association for putting modalities in place ahead of the tournament. “We highly appreciate all that you Trevor has been doing for the Association.”
“To the players, go and represent your country well. Make mama Salone proud. We have confidence in you. On behalf of myself and my Minister, Madam Augusta James-Teima, we wish you all the best of luck,” he said.