The Youth Empowerment Development Association Sierra Leone (YEDA-SL) has, on Monday 21st November, 2022, honoured three outstanding professionals who have demonstrated commitment, excellence and leadership qualities within their professions and in the fight against corruption in Sierra Leone.

Francis Ben Kaifala Esq, Commissioner, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) was recognised for his Exemplary Performance in the fight against corruption; Augustine Foday Ngobie, Deputy Commissioner (ACC) as Deputy Commissioner of the year and Patrick Sandi, Director of Public Education and External Outreach Department-ACC, bagged the award for Outstanding Performance in the fight against corruption respectively at the National Meritorious Award organised by YEDA-SL. 

Youth Empowerment Development Association Sierra Leone is a Non-Governmental Organisation built on the foundation of providing solutions to the socio-economic problems, violation of women and child rights and the promotion of transparency, accountability and good governance. Since becoming a partner to the Commission in 2013, YEDA-SL have focused on ensuring corruption is fought head on, should providing the solutions to Sierra Leone’s socio-economic well-being be achieved.

The Deputy Commissioner ACC, Augustine Foday Ngobie, on behalf of the Commissioner and the Commission, expressed sincere gratitude to YEDA-SL for recognising and assessing their efforts in the fight against corruption. He added that such recognition indicates their support in fighting this scourge called corruption. The Deputy Commissioner furthered that the ACC has done and will continue to do what citizens of Sierra Leone require them to do.

Mohamed Kamara, Executive Director, YEDA-SL, commended the ACC, for their consistent efforts in fighting corruption to ensure the social and economic development of Sierra Leone. He added that YEDA-SL has been following up on the work of the ACC and are impressed with the achievements. He assured the Deputy Commissioner of his organisation’s continuous drive to push the fight against corruption at all fronts.

Earlier, the Director of Public Education, Patrick Sandi welcomed the team from YEDA-SL, and thanked them for always supporting the Commission in promoting and raising awareness on the ills of corruption and the benefits of a corrupt free society.